Redress Raleigh Eco-Fashion Show 2014, here I come!!!!

I’m thrilled and honored to, again, be part of the Redress Raleigh Eco-Fashion Show!!!  It’s a fun show, organized by the wonderful ladies of Redress Raleigh, and has a great following!
It will be at Cobblestone Hall at City Market in downtown Raleigh, May 30.  There will also be a marketplace there.

To show you just a glimpse of what has inspired me for this upcoming collection…
My friend, Robin Thomas, recently took this gorgeous and inspiring photo of her view during a plane flight up north.
I’m always in awe of the color and pattern that presents itself in nature, whether it is a great big view such as this one, or the teeny-tiniest flower in among the moss.  This is what moves me.

Robin_lake photoNow, go get tickets for the Redress Raleigh fashion show!!!
