OMG…so much news to tell!!

Check out the “Gallery” tab… there’s LOTS of new work in there!!  The weather was nice and cool out, so I could take a bunch of photos finally!  (Mosquitoes are still on the warpath…bummer…)

And I’ve got all these great new scarves just in time for the Carrboro Music Festival, which is THIS Sunday, September 30!!  I’ll be vending from 1-7, but I think the music is going later into the evening.

ALSO new… I dropped off NINE new scarves at NOFO at Five Points, in Raleigh, so go check them out!!!!  Such a fun store to explore and get lost in!

ALLLSO….. I was accepted to be part of The Handmade Market November 10th this year!!!!!  I’m beyond excited!!!  It’s such a great, fun show, organized by The Handmaidens who happen to be some of the coolest, most creative chicks around!!

I’m also making some “infinity scarves”… and I’m doing the sewing!!  Yup! That’s right!!  I’ve got some ideas for adding more interest to them, since I’ve taken up sewing them… more freedom to explore ideas!!  We’ll see what happens!  😀

That’s sort of it for now… Open those windows whenever you get a chance!! It’s looking like Fall is starting!!  This is my very favorite season!!

Quiet, but busy!!

So, I’ve neglected posting updates here, but I’ve been pretty busy!  And I have to say, I REALLY have liked what I’ve made recently.

The temperature is hinting at fall being around the corner… and I’m excited to get outside to take photos in the cool weather!!
Unfortunately, the weather is NOT sunny when I was ready to take photos of the new stuff… So, in the meantime, I hope you enjoy the new works in progress photos here!!